Sunday, February 24, 2008


Ok I have been a little slack on the posting. I have been busy at work and let it get into my home life. I have neglected getting family and friends and my study, God I am sorry for letting you down and my family. I have not been prayed up and let the devil get his foot in the door. I am sorry Jesus for this. I ask you to forgive me.
I tried to look in the bible for the viruses that talk about giving God, your time, your money, you’re everything and he will return it to. It also talks about giving of the 10% and if you don’t he will send trouble to you that will use up the extra you store. I pray God makes me a better steward of hi time and his money. I pray that I am a blessing to my wife and children. I pray that I can trust God more.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Just a quick not to say thinks to JESUS for saving me from my sin, washing me clean and giving me a new name. I am truly blessed and there is not enough time or paper in the world to right how thankful I am to JESUS for saving me. With this said he love me know I will turn my back on him, say thing to hurt him, and do things to disgrace his name. But he loves me and welcomes me with open arms every time I ask him to. That is blessed and love. I cant forgive my dog for tearing up a piece of paper in the yard. Thanks to Pastor Howard Allen for stopping by my house and sharing the gospel with me. My son will be baptized on Feb 17 2008 almost 9 years to the day I gave my life to JESUS. His coming to JESUS is a direct reflects of TEEN KIDS on Sunday night taught by Glen and Sharon Jones.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Well it is hard to believe it is already Wednesday it seems like it was just Friday night when I posted last. This weekend was great Alexis was a jewel to keep. I really had a great time with her. It worms my heart when I walk into a room and she runs to me. I don’t get to see her that much and for her to remember me is great. I think the last time I saw her was a month ago. Grandma really liked her there also. It is so easy to over look the little thing in life that GOD gives us. Our health, mental and physical, a great church South Florence Baptist , and his son Jesus Christ. I thanks you

Friday, February 1, 2008

Friday Night Surprise

Wow my wife called me and asked if we could keep our granddaughter and I said YES. I did not get off from work until 7:30, they came to the store and played until I closed out the registers. Grace and Joshua shot there Mathews Genius bows until it was time to go. I would have never thought they would have that much fun shooting a bow at 8 & 9. But they seem to like it and have fun doing it. Grace hit her arm with the bow string for the first time tonight, man she cried. Grandma is trying to get Alexis to sleep, she is calling for me to find the pacifier so I will be right back. Well, how does all that noise come out of such a small mouth. If you have time to listen to Point Of Grace “ How You Live” I guess it is the chorus that said “ Have what you want but want what you have” is so true we want so much but once we get it we want something else.

Well goodnight Alexis maybe she and the kids will ride to the hunting club with me tomorrow, have to check back tomorrow and see??