Saturday, September 19, 2009

Today's Turning Point with David Jeremiah

Weekend, September 19 & 20

Giant-Sized Obstacles: Moses and the Sea Way
By faith they passed through the Red Sea as by dry land, whereas the Egyptians, attempting to do so, were drowned.
Hebrews 11:29
Recommended Reading
James 1:16-20

When Moses found himself trapped between Pharaoh and the Sea, it was the Lord who had led him there. For reasons known only to Himself, God led the Israelites step-by-step into a cul-de-sac where they were suddenly facing Giant Fear. They couldn't get out of their problem, but they could rise above their fears and flex their muscles of faith.
Whenever we find ourselves facing the same giant in a cul-de-sac, our first reaction may be a surge of panic; but we must "stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which He will accomplish" (Exodus 14:13). Realize that the Lord either placed you there or allowed you to be there, for reasons known for now only to Himself. The same God who led you in will lead you out. He allows our faith to be tried. Our trials may seem more than we can bear; but Christ can bear them. When we can't fight for ourselves, the battle belongs to Him; and when we can't swim, He will part the waters.
It is our duty and interest, when we cannot get out of our troubles, yet to get above our fears.
Matthew Henry
Matthew 12:15-14:12 | Matthew 14:13-16:28

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